Category Archives: Energy


Change offers opportunities

Change is a phenomenon no one can avoid. Whether we talk about societies, communities, businesses, families or individual persons at any age groups, we all face small and bigger changes somewhere at some point of time. Or, you could say that the only thing remaining constant nowadays is the change itself – we know changes are taking place all the time.

So, how do you deal with a change then? Of course, it depends on the starting point. Did you expect or even wish a change happened or did it come unexpectedly? Was the nature of change from your perspective more positive or negative? The starting point impacts on how you position yourself mentally in the beginning of the change. While it can be hard to “think positively” especially in case big dramatic changes, the way you deal with the next steps of your change process is critical. Being aware of such mental positioning and associated emotions offers you an opportunity: while you cannot control everything in your changing environment, you have a power to choose how you think and act yourself which in turn has a major impact on how you go through the change in question.
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Crediting pays off

Small things matter. Saying “thank you” consists of two small words, however, the impact of those words can be huge. Moreover, thanking someone doesn’t cost you anything and still hearing of such words can be priceless to another person. Also, those two small words can create such positive feelings in another person that he or she starts reflecting more positive feelings and behaviour back to you. Or, when you next time need help from this person, you are more likely to get help as you had “credited the person’s positive emotions account”. Surely, you can thank and give credits by many other words and express the same by your own behaviour. What is more important than the exact words is that you say it from your heart. The more you really mean it the more likely the other person is to value “the credits” you’re providing.
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Release your tension and stress

This year has been amazing in many ways, however, one of the most surprising findings is getting rid of stress as I didn’t do anything special. In fact, l have worked the same way as earlier, and in addition, also studied almost every weekend this year. There are a couple of things that enabled such a great unexpected change.

When studying Meta Medicine I started to learn there is a clear body-mind-emotions connection influencing in every moment. The first real insight I got when understanding that it is possible to consciously let negative feelings to go away. Or, in other words, we can decide ourselves which feelings we carry with us. Sounds quite simply, but didn’t have really thought about that earlier. After becoming aware of this I have been more sensitive to notice when any tiny feelings signalling stress are arriving to my mind and thus being able let go such negative feelings before they get piled and both my mind and body start experiencing stress symptoms.
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